2 min readJan 16, 2022


If your asking yourself these questions, your on the right track?

🤟This article reflect my opinions, lessons I learned over a year using Typescript

As developers, we strive to write the best code we possibly can, at the same time the term “good code” is not completely objective, only to a certain point, after which it does become quite subjective with personal preferences.

If your a developer, ready to understand Javascript in depth, I strongly advise Typescript.

Enough talking let see some reasons,

Using Typescript will never make your code error-prone 🚧.

Bugs are inevitable

With TypeScript, I can trust my code at runtime

Being a statically typed language, it does not guarantee that your code will run as expected at runtime.TypeScript ignores the type validation if a developer chooses to type-cast the argument to any

Build Together, Build Better

With an increasing codebase, Typescript exposes API interface to other developers in a team. I believe a good understanding of JavaScript is crucial, but TypeScript enables a softer on-boarding in big projects and allows developers to focus on exposed API rather than having to know all the code by heart.

Typescript tool saves Lot of Time

VSCODE uses all available features of Typescript Language to help developers to refactor and write good code with ease. This allow developers to focus on writing clean code. But sometimes you till need to setup some typo.


They you’ve it, have successfully explained why you need to adopt this programming language built by Microsoft.

Follow me for my next Article here!


Written by Gabrelsoft

Software becomes better when humans are involved

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